June 17th, 2023

Got home about half an hour ago. Honestly don't even really feel tired. Feel pretty good. I only went 1-2 in the first prerelease, and I just missed the 3-0 in the second, but I still had fun playing. Was nice to go out and play, and I enjoyed the set more than I expected to.

I don't really like talking super in depth about what I do when I go out to play Magic, so it'll just have to be left at that. I picked up a card for Father's Day (that's tomorrow!) on the way back, but that's about it for today. Pretty much all taken up by MtG. One other thing is that I got into the 2nd closed beta for this game called The Finals- it's a destruction-focused FPS I think by former Battlefield devs that I thought looked interesting. I might wait until tomorrow to play it, and there's no NDA or anything so I'll probably talk a bit about it if I do.